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June 16, 2024 Psalm 21: The Victory of the King

June 16, 2024 Speaker: Pastor Zane Hall Series: Psalms

Scripture: Psalm 21:1–13

Key Idea: God has granted victory to the King who trusts and praises Him.

The Lord gives victory and blessing to His King. (V.1-7) V.1 Hebrews 12:2 V.2 John 17:1; Hebrews 5:7 V.3 Philippians 2:9-11 V.4 2 Samuel 7:16 V.7 2 Samuel 7:15

The enemy of the Lord will be punished. (V.8-12) V.9 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8; 2 Peter 3:10

The Lord will be praised for His victory. (V.13) V.13 Revelation 7:9-12


Am I seeking the King to join my victories or to join the King’s victory?

Am I praising the Lord in light of the King’s victory?

Am I on the side of blessing or condemnation of the King?